Tuesday 4 December 2012

An Overdrawn Bank Account, A New Haircut And A Promising Start

Hello again.

Another day, another drop in temperature, and this new month has brought with it an especially chilly day. December, December. Fortunately, its my day off from uni today, so I've spent most of it indoors away from this unsurprising Winter weather. What did come as a surprise, however, was my bank balance when I signed into online banking this morning. Seems that all my Christmas shopping/outfit buying/my general unawareness when spending has finally caught up with me this month. Its been pretty bad before, but I actually went into the dreaded overdraft this time. Eeeeek. 

Before you get an idea in your head that I'm really money orientated, from this post of my lack of money, and mentioning of buying clothes and getting a haircut, I think its safe to say that I'm anything but materialistic. To some, I guess that's hypocritical, because I do love fashion. But I like it as I like paintings, or photography, or any other art form. A strange and beautiful piece of clothing on a strange and beautiful person is art. So the clothes that I most recently bought were for Christmas and New Year, and the haircut was my first in about five months (it was well needed, too) People can get too fixed on money sometimes. My dream job isn't one that earns me the most money, its the one that makes me happiest. My dream car is a Nissan Figaro (which I will own at some point in my life) and I would choose love over money, always. Hopeless romantic la. There'll be more posts on that in future, I'm sure

I don't actually have a particular plan for a job, in all honesty. All I know is that I want/need/long to work in the film industry, and for me, that's enough for now. I'd like to go travelling first anyway, anywhere and everywhere I can. I've already started saving a bit, its not much now, but I'll get there. I'm not planning on going until I finish university anyway, so I've got until then to save mucho dinero.

I actually received the third of my first three essays back yesterday. I confess to being pleasantly surprised by all three. The third was the lowest of the three; it was graded as a 62, while the others had been a 66 and a 68, but all three are equivalent to a 2:1 grade, and that's a start more promising than I could have ever hope for. Hopefully I can make up for my first year through my second and third. I always seem to start terms with good marks, but fingers crossed that I can keep them up. 

I could call my haircut part of this new start, but in all honesty its more that I was bored of my hair. And it was in need of a very good cut. I got a fringe cut in, and I have to say I'm actually really pleased with it. My hair has always been one of my least favourite parts of myself, next to my legs and lack of confidence, so its always nice when I actually don't mind it for a change. I've even gone and painted my nails for this momentous occasion, with a really horribly named nail polish, but the colour's pretty cool. 

Anyway, I'm going to depart now. I'm currently listening to Wolfmother and writing here when I should really be doing the reading for my next lecture. Which in all fairness is another way of saying that I'm going to go and procrastinate some more. 

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